Fertilizing Programs
Our traditional lawn care program consists of 6 properly scheduled applications as defined below:
#1 Early Spring Application – Preemergent plus fertilizer - The early spring application will promote spring green up and recovery from winter stress. Included is preventative crabgrass control to protect the lawn from crabgrass.
#2 Spring Application – Preemergent plus fertilizer; Weed control - During this period of the year, we will apply a balanced fertilizer to promote color, thickness, and overall good health of the lawn. In addition to feeding the lawn, we apply a second preemergent for extended crabgrass control and will also treat for broadleaf weeds.
#3 Late Spring/Early Summer Application – Custom Fertilizer; Weed Control - We will fertilize your lawn now to prepare it for the stress of the summer ahead. We will also treat for any weeds and discuss treatment options and costs for any surface or subsurface feeding insects (like chinch bugs and grubs) or other visible disease issues.
#4 Summer Application – Custom Fertilizer; Weed Control - During the summer months, we use a specially designed summer fertilizer for this normally dry period. We will look for weeds, surface feeding insects, and disease and discuss treatment options.
#5 Late Summer/Early Fall Application – High Nitrogen Fertilizer; Weed Control - During the fall, your lawn will need a balanced feeding to recover from the stress of summer. This treatment is designed to encourage recovery and green up your lawn. We will continue to spot treat for weeds.
#6 Late Fall Application – High Potassium Fertilizer/Winterizer - The continued feeding into late fall encourages color, thickness, and overall health. These fall feedings help prepare the lawn for the winter months ahead.
*** We use all extended release granular fertilizers and low volume liquid weed control ***
Grub Control Application
Fungicide Application
Insecticide Application
Foundation Pest Control
Bush and Shrub Fertilizer Application
Lawn Aeration
Lawn Overseeding
Lime Application